January 2025 | Week 1 - Week 4 | 0 Car Shows | 1 Swap Meet | Goodbye & Hello | A New Roadmap ...
With 2024 in the rear view mirror and winters icy embrace comes the opportunity to build a roadmap for 2025. A time to plan the year ahead, the when, where and how for the car show season...

Welcome Show Junkies
Welcome to the first newsletter for 2025.
And my apologizes for not getting this out sooner, but with no car shows on the calendar for January the excuses were rolling out like smoke off a tire, and the motivation low… I promise to do better next month.
First a quick reminder that all show flyer images are clickable and linked to the show website (preferred) or Facebook page. You will find show details including address (usually linked to google maps for quick directions), show times, entry fees, prizes and restrictions (if any).
Also, all text in RED are clickable links.
Now back to the regularly scheduled show…
As expected there are zero car shows this month.
And zero car swap meets this month.
But, never fear for I have found something of interest to share.
The Twin Cities Harley Davidson Cold Start indoor swap meet is this month. And just maybe one skilled reader out there has a Harley powered cycle-car… like this 32 Ford featured in May 2012 Hot Rod Magazine.
Kinda gets the gears turning in the old brain bucket doesn’t it… okay maybe I’m not all normal but it’s cool to see the creativity and dedication of the talented gear heads.
Anyway, if you do find yourself at Twin Cities Harley Davidson during the swap meet keep an eye out and say hello because cabin fever is worse than cheater slicks in a snowstorm.
This week months sponsor is from Busted Knuckles Garage.
Made from pure unobtainium…
Melded within nitromethane fueled fires…
Supercharged by the arctic winds…
And cooled in the icy depths of Lake Superior…
When the going gets tough the tough get smacked, wacked and crushed…
With the mighty THOR Edition BFH…
Don’t waste your money on anything but the best …
For a limited time order the THOR Edition BFH from Busted Knuckles Garage … Get yours today and bust it loose!
2025 Roadmap
Now that the 2024 car show season is a distant memory and the major holidays are behind us it’s a good time to start planning for the 2025 car show season.
And keeping with the classic theme here let’s scratch it down on paper…just like the trusty old maps shoved in the glove box. Should’ve called it a map, manual and paper box for things we refuse to use.
Anywho… time to dig out the hot rod calendar, you know the one, hung above the workbench, front and center with some errr… eye candy… honest honey I really love the cars…
And why write on the calendar, well because it’s just one of those things that catches your attention on a frequent basis… it’s for car show reminders honest.
Now the plan is to go out to “check on the car” and begin the planning… TIP: A sipper helps warm the blood and sooth the winter blues.
Grab a pencil out of the toolbox, pull up a comfy chair (garage recliners are ideal for this) and don’t forget the calendar.
The plan is simple, turn the calendar to April (if that’s to optimistic start with May) and flip through the show vault of favorite shows you’ve attended or really wanted to go but missed it. I keep my show vault under my hat.
After an hour of reminiscing you may be surprised at all the shows the vault retains. Maybe just 1 or 2 but likely 10 or 12 I’d wager.
Struggling… No worries here are a few suggestions.
Here are a few of my favorites : Back to the 50’s, Mopars in the Park, Muscle Car Nationals, Henderson Show because the scenic byway drive is awesome and any car show when the temperatures above 70 and the sun is shining.
Got a show you love please share in the comment section.
And, just in case you don’t have the time or a good calendar well I’ve got you covered.
When the car show season picks up the Show Junkies will be sent to your mailbox weekly.
And since most of us carry our email readers with us, aka: Smart Phone, the current schedule is always available.
So no worries if you don’t find the time to jot some chicken scratch on paper this month, next month or all year…
But, do make time to “check on the car” from time to time.
Take care and Thank You for subscribing to the Show Junkies newsletter!
Week 1 | January 2 - January 5 :
No shows this week … Happy New Year!
Week 2 | January 6 - January 12 :
Still No shows this week … fine
Week 3 | January 13 - January 19 :
No car shows this week … but there is a Motorcycle swap meet
Week 4 | January 20 - January 26 :
No shows this week … again
Week 4 | January 27 - February 2 :
No shows this week … Damn!
If we missed your show or want a future show added please email us with the date, time and location.
Thanks for reading and sharing!