Week 40, 2024 | 17 Shows | 19th Frankensteiners Ball | American Graffiti Cruising | Swap Meets and more ...
September 30 -October 6 | This week brings another 17 classic car shows to the Minnesota scene and 68 new members to the community of 3222 Show Junkies ... Welcome aboard!

Welcome Show Junkies
This week we have 17 shows scheduled along with cooler temperatures and sun for the week ahead.
Our Save-the-Date features the 19th Annual Frankenstieners Ball. Held at the Isanti county fairgrounds in Cambridge Minnesota on Saturday October 12th. A great event raising money for charity along with a chance to get some early trick-n-treats for the young show junkies.
A blast from the past for us baby boomers, generation X, fans of American Graffiti and good old fashioned cruising downtown streets take note. Way back in the 1980’s the winding downtown streets of Hopkins were the place for the slow cruise, hot cars and just plain old showing off and the tradition continues.
This Saturday brings the final organized car cruise to downtown Hopkins. The Hopkins Cruisers coordinate the event and cruising begins at 6:00 pm and continues into the night. A great opportunity to show off the pompadour, bicep and the ride on a cool Minnesota fall night.
Sunday and swap meets go together like beer and football and this Sunday is no exception. The Gopher State Timing Association and the Getaway Bar Swap Meet in Orrack Minnesota open the gates at 8:00 AM for the car junkies who need to scratch the car itch before the show season ends.
See you at the show and THANK YOU for joining the Show Junkies!
A favor please … As this newsletter continues to grow I could use your feedback on how to improve and if there is value in the content provided so please take a minute and complete a short survey … Thank You.
Monday September 30 :
Eagan Car Club Show
Location: Applebees Eagan Minnesota
Time: 3:30 pm - Sunset
Tuesday October 1 :
Wednesday October 2 :
Thursday October 3 :
Friday October 4 :
Saturday October 5 :
Sunday October 6 :
If we missed your show or want a future show added please email us with the date, time and location.
And if you know of anyone that may want to be notified of upcoming show please forward this email or link.
Thanks for reading and sharing!